by Ghaz Ghazali Posted on July 25, 2011, Monday

BARIO/BA KELALAN: The collaboration between Maxis Bhd (Maxis) and MASwings Sdn Bhd (MASwings) is slated towards developing the information and communication technology (ICT) connectivity in rural areas of East Malaysia.
With regards to this, MASwings had installed a number of satellite system VSAT (very-small-aperture-terminal) units at several ‘short take-off and landing’ (STOL) port stations in the state as part of its plan to enhance MASwings operational capabilities towards better services to its rural customers.
MASwings’ managing director Datuk Captain Mohd Nawawi Awang said the facility would, amongst others, allow the airline to use on-line data and telephony communications that would make internet access, automated check-ins, load-sheet processing and other reservation as well as e-ticketing applications possible.
“Under the first phase of VSAT project development, MASwings will make these services available in Bario and Ba Kelalan and to extend to other four STOL port stations — Long Akah, Long Seridan, Long Lellang and Long Banga — under phase two in the immediate future.
“We have installed VSAT facility in Bario and Ba Kelalan since December 2009; by which the project had benefitted MASwings and the communities at these two stations,” he told The Borneo Post during the launching of these VSATs in Bario and Ba Kelalan.
Apart from MASwings online operations, the VSAT units would also be used to set up basic GSM services for voice and SMS for the people of these rural communities.
Meanwhile, Maxis’ senior vice president and head of business services, Fitri Abdullah believed that the collaboration was truly a ‘win-win’ proposition by both companies; at the same time, benefitting the communities in the rural areas.
“It has been two years since I met up with Datuk Seri Idris Jala (then the managing director of Malaysia Airline, the parent holdings of MASwings) to discuss about the idea to set up VSATs with nano-based station system at STOL ports in rural areas within Sarawak and Sabah, serviced by MASwings.
“In saying this, we are proud to partner with MASwings to develop the ICT infrastructure here,” he said.
Nonetheless, Fitri disclosed that setting up the stations in both Bario and Ba Kelalan had been a different ball game for Maxis as both areas, until recently, had no regular electricity supply.
“As such, both MASwings and Maxis have agreed to invest in solar power-generated system in both areas. On our side, we have invested over RM100 million over the last 18 months to upgrade the capacity of these stations in both states.”
To date, Maxis has built 96 units of nano-based stations in rural areas throughout Sarawak and Sabah.
“We are expanding. The plan is that by this year’s end, we will have a total of 120 stations. With MASwings, we have done STOL ports in Bario, Ba Kelalan, Mulu and a few other places. I believe that there are a few more STOL ports in the two states that can benefit from the facility, so that not only MASwings will be better connected but also providing basic GSM services to the communities,” added Fitri.
On the newly-installed KU-band VSAT powered by Ipstar from Measat-5 in Bario, Fitri added that there was also a wi-fi hotspot, ranging within 40- to 50-metre radius around Bario town centre.
The speed of this VSAT set would be at one-megabyte up and two-megabyte down.
“Maxis’ aim has always been towards developing good ICT infrastructure not only in the urban areas, but also within the rural areas as well. While we also have one nano-based station in Ba Kelalan, we are positive that due to network necessity in Ba Kelalan, the Maxis technical will come here and perform a review to set up another VSAT in Ba Kelalan,” he stated further.
Adding to this, Captain Nawawi remarked, “Our partnership with Maxis has and will be benefitting towards our operations in remote areas, in terms of facilitating e-ticketing and bookings data transmission between these rural stations and the main offices in Kuching, Miri and Kota Kinabalu, as well as other centres.
“In line with our status as a community airline, we want to contribute to the community here.”
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